The fact that TWINSOFT has existed as an IT company for business-critical applications since 1989 highlights that we are experienced dinosaurs in this industry. In all modesty, today we are one of the leading experts for maximum availability, business integration and modernisation.
In 1999, we took up the cause of IT modernization under the Compaq umbrella and integrated the migration company Infosoft. The TWINsaurier now had another mainstay that protected it from meteorite impacts, which had occurred in the environment time and again over the years.
By 2004, the TWINosaurus had evolved so much that it could stand on its own four feet and leave the nest of its HP ‘mother’. TWINSOFT became an independent IT company, able to do what it does best without being dependent on the manufacturer and platform. And it continues to do it to this day: meet customer needs.
It turned out that the TWINsaurus must be a female - because it gave birth to two “children”. TWINSOFT biometrics and TWINSEC GmbH. Biometric authentication systems and IT security were the specialties of the two sister companies.
Almost exactly ten years after it was founded, TWINSEC had now left the family nest and was treading its own path, while TWINSOFT biometrics was working hard to make the herd of dinosaurs more effective, more resilient and more innovative.
A pandemic breaks out. The whole world is upside down. The top priority: the pack must be protected. Within a very short space of time, all necessary measures are taken so that all members can work from home to better protect themselves. It turned out that the home office arrangement had so many advantages that it has survived the pandemic to this day.
The TWINsaurier has reason to celebrate. It is 35 years old and is also celebrating 20 years of independent existence. It is one of the few remaining of its kind and yet feels younger and stronger than ever before. It never stands still, it feels at home in many places and can bring its specialized skills to bear everywhere.